Welcome to British Society of Echocardiography

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Please note this is free to BSE members and Trainees with a valid NTN. Non-members can join at www.bsecho.org.

The BSE has produced this online training module of lectures and an MCQ assessment for Core Knowledge in Echocardiography. It covers relevant portions of the Core Cardiology Curriculum.

Access to the online training module is available for all BSE members and for cardiology trainees with a valid NTNs. In order to access the module, you will need to register with a user name (your email address) and a password.  It will take up to 5 working days to process this. 

The module consists of 16 lectures covering the Core Knowledge. To demonstrate attainment of this Core Knowledge you can complete the online MCQ assessment. A certificate will be emailed to the registered address after successful completion. The pass mark is 40/45 and the assessment can be taken an unlimited number of times. 

Cardiology NTNs ought to use this module with the Cardiology curriculum assessment tool on the JRCPTB website to demonstrate this knowledge. Cardiology NTNs with further queries ought to contact the JRCPB.

Dr Thomas Mathew on behalf of the BSE and the Cardiology SAC

Consultant Cardiologist, East Midlands TPD & Chair of BSE Education Committee


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